Saturday october 20 2012
11.00a.m – 8.00p.m.
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
via Bligny, 1/a – Reggio Emilia
What is TED
2011 Edition
Reggio Emilia
2011 Edition
Paolo Sorrentino
How I works. How I made my first movie (and how you could your own).
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Tommaso Pincio
Magiae Naturalis: how and why Caravaggio bewitches the world.
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Carla Poli
How we managed to recycle more waste that San Francisco managed to.
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Vea Vecchi
Reggio Children, or 99 languages to give back to children.
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Antonio Pascale
How we stopped being an agricultural country (and why GMOs are good).
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Gianfranco Goretti
Tommaso, our children and I (and the women who helped us have them).
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Fabio Mini
Why are we such hypocrites when it comes to war?
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Domenico Finiguerra
A zero-cement Italy is possible
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Gaetano Saffioti
The consequences of honesty
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Filippo Romano
Planting the idea of the State where it struggles to take root
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Nicola Bigi
We can even summarise the Bible in five minutes
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Paolo Ainio
How the internet makes newspapers uneasy
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Antonio Sofi
Winning elections with the help of the web
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Amedeo Balbi
’ll explain the “dark side” of the universe to you
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Pino Petruzzelli
In praise of the gypsies (or why they really need a good Press Officer)
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Dagmawi Yimer
The Libyan hell I had to fight through to reach Italy
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Sara Farnetti
Everything you know about food is a lie
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Francesco Piccolo
Moments of nonsensical delight
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Virginiana Miller
“Even a kick up the bum helps”. Music for people who aren’t big babies
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